Partnership With Us

3N Startups covers almost everything happening in Armenia’s tech ecosystem—from new startups and meetups to industry trends and investment opportunities. Our platform brings together tech professionals, entrepreneurs, investors, and anyone eager to learn about the Tech life in Armenia.

  • Tell Your Story: We believe every company and individual has a special story to tell. Through features, interviews, and articles, we work closely with you to bring your story to our readers, which will inspire, motivate, and inform them about new opportunities. 
  • Strengthen Our Community: Our goal is to promote collaboration within Armenia’s tech ecosystem. By working together, we can help raise awareness of new ideas, strengthen partnerships, and drive growth across the region.
  • Share THE news: Whether you’re launching a new product, hosting an event, or starting an exciting project, we’re here. We provide a platform for you to connect with a community of professionals, entrepreneurs, and investors who are passionate about Armenia’s tech scene.

A connected and informed community is what makes a country strong, innovative, and ready to lead. Together, we can create a tech ecosystem that empowers people, drives growth, and puts Armenia on the map as a global tech hub. Got a story, event, or idea that’s shaping the future?
Let’s work together to share it and make some noise.